How to add additional person to teams meeting invite

On this page

Outlook on the desktop

Outlook on the web

Outlook on the desktop

  1. Open Outlook and switch to the calendar view.

  2. Open the meeting by double clicking on it

  3. Add your additional invitees to the Required or Optional field(s)

  4. Click on send update. Outlook may ask you if you want to send your invite to all attendees or only additional attendees. Select one of the 2 options

Outlook on the web

  • From Outlook on the web, switch to calendar, find your meeting, click on it to open and select Edit

  • Add your additional invitees to the Required or Optional field(s)

  • Click on send update. Outlook may ask you if you want to send your invite to all attendees or only additional attendees. Select one of the 2 options